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Our African Story and the people we impact
Cocoa is one of the major cash crops grown in Nigeria, and most Nigerians born in the 70s and 80s would appreciate the value of this and other cash crops to the economy. According to statistics, Nigeria is the fourth largest global producer of cocoa, just behind Ivory Coast, Indonesia and Ghana. It is also the third largest exported agricultural product, with just a few figures behind sesame seeds and cashew nuts. It is widely grown in the south west and south south regions of the country. Apart from its immense health benefits, cocoa has other benefits along its value chain. The cocoa bean seed is used in producing cocoa butter, and in turn converted into chocolate which when grinded, is regarded as cocoa beverage.
At Mykibo, we have made it our mission to promote Africa’s agri-business products to the world. When manufactures and exporters sell more, African farmers can increase Read More
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