About FarmFresh

FarmFresh is an innovative Kigali-based food processing company back by international impact investor, that markets branded, fully-cooked Rwanda beans in laminated pouches aimed at retail consumers and institutions across East Africa. We have a large, modern production facility on the Kigali Special Economic Zone which is regulated by the Rwanda Food and Drug Authority (RFDA) and all our products carry the “S” Mark issued by the Rwanda Standards Board (RSB).

About the Product

We cook the beans in water and a little salt; no other ingredients. The product has a shelf life of 12 months. The kitchen staff simply open the pouches, pours the beans and their sauce into a pan. As the beans are already fully cooked they simply need to be warmed through. The taste of Rwandan beans ready in a fraction of the time and with much greater convenience. The attached product flyer gives you more information.

About the Benefits

There are multiple benefits that your school would benefit from by switching to the FarmFresh beans:

  1. Cash savings for caterers. Having trialled our product with several schools, we calculated that you can save money by switching to the FarmFresh fully cooked beans. When accounting for the full costs of purchasing dry beans, salt, water and, most importantly, firewood or charcoal – the price of which is increasingly and, in due course, the use of which be restricted by environmental legislation.
  2. Environment improvements. As you know, Rwanda is looking to shift to cleaner cooking with a reduction in the use of firewood and charcoal. By switching to FarmFresh beans you will help to make the shift and improve the air quality. FarmFresh is working closely with the Ministry of Environment to help improve the Rwandan environment by promoting energy efficient menu products for schools.
  3. Nutritional standards. The product works to the highest food production standards as set by the RFDA and RSB. Your pupils will benefit from these quality standards. Cooking the beans in our centralised facility, we check the standard of the beans (e.g. aflatoxin free) and can improve the nutritional standards, for example by using iodized salt as recommended by the Ministry of Health.
  4. Convenience. Buying, cleaning and cooking beans is time consuming. The FarmFresh product is highly convenient, freeing your kitchen staff to become more efficient and reducing wastage while ensuring the highest standards of catering. Moreover, we will deliver the bean pouches directly to your location, at a frequency as agreed with your head of kitchens.
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